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Dr. Burton Krain

  • Illinois
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Dr. Burton Krain's service

Dr. Burton Krain is a highly experienced and respected therapist with over 40 years of private practice. He obtained his Masters and Doctorate degrees from the Illinois Institute of Technology and received his clinical license from the State of Illinois in 1973. Throughout his career, Dr. Krain has had the privilege of studying under influential figures in psychology in the Midwest, which has greatly contributed to his extensive knowledge and expertise in the field. Driven by a desire to continually improve, he has refined his diagnostic and clinical skills through feedback from his clients, resulting in an increased success rate in helping his patients. Dr. Krain takes an eclectic approach to therapies and treatments, refusing to be confined by outdated modalities. Instead, he utilizes targeted treatments that have proven to be most effective in achieving desired outcomes. In therapy sessions, Dr. Krain incorporates humor, establishes realistic goals, and breaks down progress into incremental steps, ultimately helping his patients achieve satisfactory targets. It is immensely gratifying for him to receive feedback from patients who have successfully overcome their presenting issues and moved forward in their lives. Dr. Krain strives to build trust with his patients, assuring them that by sticking to the goals they set together, they can achieve better outcomes and ultimately

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Dr. Burton Krain is serving from:


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Years in practice


NPI number


License Details

IL Psychologist 071.001719

License: Psychologist


License number: 071.001719

Expires at 2024-09-30

License: LISW


number: 7372

Expires at 2024-12-31



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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