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I am licensed in Oklahoma with 35 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with stress and anxiety, relationship issues, coping with life changes, & executive and professional coaching. I believe as a therapist it is important to be very interactive with my clients and offer an environment that is safe and conducive to sharing information openly. I regularly practice mindfulness meditation and encourage my clients to engage in said practice as part of our work together when possible. I have found it to be personally significant in my life and the practice has much to offer for all ages. I have been to Thailand many times and practiced my meditation skills in a variety of settings such as Buddhist monastery’s and various workshop opportunities. In October 2024 I am moving to Thailand to further develop these skills and be able to help my clients even more. I will continue my work with BetterHelp from there as well.
35 years
OK LCSW 1653
Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.
Click ‘Work with me!’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.
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