via BetterHelp

Julie Berg-Einhorn

  • Illinois
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Julie Berg-Einhorn's service

Julie Berg-Einhorn is a highly experienced and compassionate therapist who understands the challenges that life can present. She knows that navigating through stress in relationships, work, finances, and physical health can be overwhelming. With her expertise and 35 years of professional practice, Julie is equipped to help individuals find effective and sustainable solutions. She takes a multi-faceted approach, collaborating with a diverse range of clients to identify practical strategies for change. Julie offers a comprehensive range of services including psychotherapy, relationship counseling, addiction counseling, career and life coaching, as well as financial and business consulting. Her style is active and supportive, while also challenging clients to delve deeper into the underlying issues they face. Julie believes that life is a journey, and if her approach resonates with you, she warmly welcomes the opportunity to work together. She holds licenses as a Clinical Social Worker and Marital and Family Therapist, and is also a Certified Addiction and Drug Counselor, Human Resource practitioner, academic coach, life coach, and financial health coach.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Julie Berg-Einhorn is serving from:


Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

35 years

NPI number


License Details

IL LMFT 166000335, IL LCSW 149001266

License: LCSW


License number: 149001266

Expires at 2023-11-30

License: LMFT


number: 166000335

Expires at 2025-02-28



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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