via BetterHelp

Kaitlyn McNulty

  • New York
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Kaitlyn McNulty's service

Kaitlyn McNulty is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in California. With a Masters Degree in Social Work from New York University, she began her career as a therapist in New York before relocating to California eight years ago. Throughout her career, Kaitlyn has worked with a diverse range of individuals in various settings, including community agencies, homes, and schools. Her primary objective is to enhance the overall quality of life for her clients. Kaitlyn’s commitment to ongoing professional development is evident through her training and certifications in evidence-based treatment interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Trauma Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Seeking Safety. She consistently attends training sessions to expand her knowledge and ensure the provision of optimal treatment. Kaitlyn believes in establishing a collaborative partnership with her clients to work towards mutually agreed-upon goals. She strives to create a comfortable and supportive environment where clients can feel confident in achieving their objectives. Kaitlyn is diligent in checking her messages daily and responds promptly to all inquiries. She is also flexible in accommodating clients’ schedules, so if there isn’t a suitable appointment time available, she encourages individuals to reach out to explore alternative options.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Kaitlyn McNulty is serving from:

New York

Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

8 years

NPI number


License Details

CA LCSW 76692


License number:

Expires at



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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