via BetterHelp

Karen Stockham

  • New Mexico
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Karen Stockham's service

Welcome! My name is Karen and I am so glad you are here. For the past 24 years I have worked with a broad range of clients including individuals, couples, children, adolescents and families to tackle life’s challenges. Therapy can be a great catalyst for healthy change in relationships and a valuable tool to help solve problems, set and achieve goals, improve communication skills and keep your stress levels in check. I am a great listener with a Solution-Oriented Therapy and Family Therapy counseling style which focuses on helping you to feel more empowered and actively changing your life for the better. In addition, I utilize a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach which allows for a great deal of discussion about how our thoughts, behaviors and perspectives influence how we both feel and behave. Some of my specialties include Marriage and Family Counseling, Mediation, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution. I enjoy working with families of all kinds helping you to achieve balance in your relationships, tackling parenting and couple issues and walking through the day to day challenges. On a personal note, I am a mom of five boys and a grandmother to three. I enjoy time with my family, photography, outdoor activities, exercise and volunteering at our local BioPark. I am an action oriented counselor and really enjoy working through a platform that is both convenient and easily accessible to my clients. Online therapy is new and exciting and I am here to take things at your pace and to help you navigate the platform. Seeking counseling is a sign of strength so if you are ready to walk through life’s challenges and feel empowered to live a more fulfilling life contact me and let’s get to work!

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Karen Stockham is serving from:

New Mexico

Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

24 years

NPI number


License Details


License: LPCC

New Mexico

License number: CCMH0105211

Expires at 2024-09-30

License: LCSW

North Carolina

number: c015811

Expires at 2025-03-22



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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