via BetterHelp

Kristine Krissy Johnson

  • Arizona
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Kristine Krissy Johnson's service

Kristine Krissy Johnson is a licensed clinical therapist with many years of professional work experience. She began her career in the Arts, earning both a Bachelor and Master degree in Music, specializing in vocal performance. She later obtained a second Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from La Salle University in Philadelphia. Kristine is passionate about treating the whole individual and takes a systemic approach to therapy, recognizing the influence of families, relationships, community, and society. She believes in helping individuals find their voice and tell their story, ultimately discovering meaning and finding healing. Kristine utilizes a variety of therapeutic approaches, including Solution Focused, Narrative Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Emotionally Focused Therapy, Gotten Method, and Family Systems Therapy. She has extensive experience in helping clients with relationship issues, family conflicts, coping with grief and loss, communication problems, motivation, self-esteem, and confidence. Kristine firmly believes that clients are the experts of their own stories and possess many strengths that can help them overcome challenges. She commends individuals for taking the courageous step of signing up for therapy and is proud to support them on their journey.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

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Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Kristine Krissy Johnson is serving from:


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Years in practice

8 years

NPI number


License Details

AZ LMFT LMFT-15892, NV LMFT 4578-R

License: LMFT


License number: 4578-R

Expires at 2024-01-01

License: LMFT


number: LMFT-15892

Expires at 2024-12-31



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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