via BetterHelp

Nicole Thomte

  • Minnesota
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Nicole Thomte's service

Nicole Thomte, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#3853) in Minnesota, welcomes individuals, couples, and families who do not conform to societal expectations. With a focus on LGBTQIA+/kink/CNM/polyam/etc persons, Nicole provides affirmative therapy using a solution-focused approach from an intersectional feminist perspective. Recognizing the lack of support for these populations, Nicole aims to offer inclusive guidance to help clients improve their lives on their own terms. Additionally, Nicole has an interest in sex-positive therapy and sex therapy while valuing the spectrum of asexuality. In sessions, Nicole adopts a non-directive, exploratory style that accepts and acknowledges the humor that can alleviate life’s stress. Understanding that clients are the experts in their own lives, Nicole provides support and an external perspective to uncover hidden patterns and connections. Rather than relying solely on labels and diagnoses, Nicole is interested in what clients bring to the session. Choosing to pursue therapy as a third career has been a transformative experience for Nicole. Prior to becoming a licensed therapist, Nicole worked at a behavioral health agency, serving individuals with disabilities and limited access to resources. During this time, Nicole also participated in supervision groups and co-facilitated survivor groups, gaining insight

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Nicole Thomte is serving from:


Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

9 years

NPI number


License Details

MN LMFT 3853


License number:

Expires at



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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