via BetterHelp

Tara Parisi

  • New Hampshire
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Tara Parisi's service

Tara Parisi is a licensed Mental Health Counselor with almost 20 years of experience supporting individuals of all ages. Specializing in Counseling Psychology with a focus on Marriage and Family therapy, Tara has worked extensively with adults, teenagers, families, and couples. Her areas of expertise include managing depression, loss, anxiety, panic attacks, family issues, life transitions, parenting support, career counseling, trauma, and life stressors. Tara firmly believes that everyone possesses the strength and skills to bring about positive changes in their lives, and her role is to help clients recognize and utilize those strengths. Providing a safe, non-judgmental, and empathic environment, Tara employs techniques from Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Rogerian, and Family Systems theories, tailoring her approach to meet the unique needs of each individual. With a compassionate and genuine approach, Tara is a skilled listener who incorporates humor and authentic interactions in her practice. Recognizing that therapy is a significant step, Tara compares the process to buying shoes – it has to be a good fit. She values open and honest communication and encourages clients to express if her style is not the right fit for them, as she is committed to helping them find the support that works best for them. Tara is excited

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Tara Parisi is serving from:

New Hampshire

Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

21 years

NPI number


License Details


License: LMHC


License number: 5406

Expires at 2023-12-31

License: LCMHC

New Hampshire

number: 2300

Expires at 2024-12-02

License: LCPC


number: CC6074

Expires at 2025-03-31

License: LMHC


number: MH19830

Expires at 2025-03-31



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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