via BetterHelp

Veronica McKay

  • North Carolina
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Veronica McKay's service

Veronica McKay is an experienced and highly skilled Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over thirty years of practice. Throughout her career, she has worked extensively in both the United States and Germany, providing guidance and support to individuals in need. Despite her recent retirement, Veronica’s passion for helping others remains strong, and she continues to dedicate her time to assisting those seeking answers and guidance during challenging times. Veronica’s expertise spans a wide range of areas, from treating children with emotional and developmental issues to assisting adults dealing with anxiety, depression, and the aftermath of sexual assault. In 2008, she began working with the military, offering support to active duty soldiers returning from combat and helping their families understand and cope with their struggles. Throughout her eleven-year tenure, Veronica gained valuable experience in addressing the various challenges that often arise from long family separations and combat tours, such as PTSD, substance abuse, and domestic management stress. With extensive training in EMDR for treating PTSD and Accelerated Resolution Therapy, acquired in 2017, Veronica possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective treatment. Furthermore, she has served as an on-call mental health evaluator for emergency behavioral health and substance abuse services, demonstrating her ability to handle crisis situations with sensitivity and expertise. Currently

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Veronica McKay is serving from:

North Carolina

Welcoming International Clients?


Years in practice

30 years

NPI number


License Details

NC LCSW C003457, VA LCSW 0904002721

License: LCSW

North Carolina

License number: C003457

Expires at 2025-06-04

License: LCSW


number: 904002721

Expires at 2024-06-30

License: LMHC


number: MH22478

Expires at 2025-03-31



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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